Saturday, November 29, 2008


Come one, come all, to Ze Baron's Thanksgiving Ball!

While I believe this is our very first Thanksgiving Ball, let's not forget all our many previous balls, including the first of them all, the Venetian Carnivale at 360! We also had a wonderful historical characters ball, where I dressed as Richard Nixon. There were really just far too many to mention.

Anyway, let us begin!

To start, we have Tammy's (rk2this) venison roast with veggies:

Following that is her oh-so-scrumptious cherry pie:

Finally we have some Indian pudding. Thanks, Tam!

Mommadish brings us this amazingly dressed deer, straight from the woods!
It makes me salivate just looking at the picture.

From angelsong we have these delicious treats, including an entire Thanksgiving meal!

A nicely roasted turkey

and some savory wine. Thanks angelsong!

She also brought la pièce de résistance to replace the one that went conspicuously missing after one of our previous parties...


If that's not the coolest thing ever, well, I don't know what is. This fountain happens to be the biggest one everly ever, so there should be plenty of room should some miscreants decide to go skinny dipping... or chunky dunking!

This is literally the biggest fountain ever. You can read more about it if you want, but they say a picture is worth a thousand words. How many is a video worth?

Anyway, with that, let's get this party started! For your music consideration, please open then minimize this song as we begin the party!

Please be sure to introduce yourself. I am of the English, though not a Pilgrim. I am King James I, the monarch who reigned when the Pilgrims departed in search of a better life.

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