Thursday, June 19, 2008


(With emphasis on the "moron" part.)

John McCain, and now GDUBS, has called for the ban to offshore drilling to be lifted. Now, I do believe that it was McCain's idea first, and then Georgie, thinking he'll be brilliant, exhibits the same sentiments. I don't know what he was trying to do... maybe he was trying to show solidarity between someone easily identified as a good Republican (well, you know what I mean) and someone on shaky footing who needs to firm up the GOP base for the general election. (McCain's getting like 83% of GOP voters to GDUBS' 95%ish).

McCain may be a good Republican (not neccessarily a good conservative) but he needs to pass himself off as a moderate Republican so that the misguided Democrats who are in a fret from having a strong Democrat drop out and having one actually have a flying chance at winning. Bush may be trying to shore up support among Republicans, but all he's doing is tying McCain to himself, even though McCain made the first move.

Which brings me to another point -- is Big Media full of idiots? Well... yes. I think, much like Big Oil and Big Pharma, we shall start calling it Big Media. I like that. Anyway, as stated above, McCain came out with it first, not GDUBS. Besides, no matter how much they like to associate McCain with Bush, they are separate people. In fact, they ought to lighten up on McCain a bit -- remember the McCain-Feingold Immigration Bill? That was not the conservative thing to do, and hardly what Bush would've done (though he is weak in that area.)

Back to Big Oil... after McCain and Bush (here embodying the Republican train of thought, and hopefully that of all sane Americans) pushed for a end to the ban on offshore drilling, the Democrats struck back.

[Let me interject here that ending the ban on offshore drilling wouldn't make it a free-for-all. It would just end the federal ban on it so that coastal states could decide for themselves. That way, eco-nut Calis who don't have any oil could rail against the man while reasonable Gulf Coast states could boost their economies and help lower fuel costs by keeping it in America.]

The Democrats, whom I was beginning to give the benifit of the doubt, never ceased to amaze me. They called for nationalizing the nation's oil refinaries!

I could not believe it. I was dumbfounded.

They propose acquiring private property and running it? It's beginning to look like the Dems actually believe in a mommy state that'll always take care of them. Aside from Welfare and Medicare and this proposed socialized health care, now they want to take over a service to which there is no alternatives?

The government can't do anything right. Take the passport thing where you have to have one to come into the US from Canada or those other assorted countries. Do you know how long it took me to get my passport? Well, neither do I, because I still haven't gotten mine back!

If they can't get me a passport in a reasonable amount of time, how are they going to maintain enough gas at a cheap price when they aren't allowing hardly any to be produced domestically? We pay a large tax on gas to keep our roads nice. I can assure you that PA's roads suck.

I'll pay $4.00 a gallon to keep it out of the government's hands. This was not in the Constitution, which provided for a small government in which all powers not specificly delegated to the feds goes to the states. That's been conviently overlooked, eh?

These Democrat monsters, these idiots, want to slap windfall taxes on oil companies. You tell me how taking away more profits from them will make our prices go down? It's always been shown that the taxes get passed on to the consumer. Americans want to stick the oil companies in the eye, but taxing them (which will be passed back to the consumer) is not the way to do it. You have to stop buying their product. I'm not going to prospect on what should be done there in this blog.

Oil companies are making record profits this year. That's terrible, especially when they are raping Americans. Know what? I want to remove taxes from Big Oil. Let's give 'em a tax break. I believe Exxon Mobil pays near 41% in taxes. That means that 41% of the money they take in goes straight to the government -- they don't even see it. On top of that, they have to take out for overhead and $1xx-a-barrel crude. They still manage to turn record profits. That's how to run a company.

Exxon Mobil pays $27 billion dollars in taxes (on $67.4 billion in taxable income at 41%). They pay as much taxes at the bottom 50% of individual taxpayers... that's 65,000,000 people. They pay 3% of their adjusted gross income, which is taxes of $27.4 of $922 billion. That's right -- Exxon Mobil pays as much as taxes as half of American taxpayers. You want to give them more, and expect to see gas prices go down?

Look, I'm willing to give the Democrats the benefit of the doubt. The problem is, there is nothing left to doubt.

-Ze Baron

Credit for stastics: Mark J. Perry, Ph.D

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