Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This, guys, is why I love Multiply.

As many of you are aware, Multiply released their AutoUploader and MediaLocker today. These are single-handedly the best features Multiply has unveiled during my stay here. The MediaLocker just rocks. The AutoUploader isn't quite as exciting, but it's more of a tool you keep in your garage than a fancy gaget you got off an infomercial that you show all your friends.

AutoUploader runs in your system tray (in the lower right corner, next to the clock) and automatically scans and uploads photos and video in selected folders to a place on your page that is 100% private. You can pick the folders and when new content is added, it'll constantly upload it. It will also upload content that was previously placed in the folder. This program runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Multiply MediaLocker... oh how I love thee! You can acess yours with this URL: Or, just look under your headshot in that bank of links and you'll find it there, snug between "Promote My Site" and "My Contacts." Looking in the left gutter, you can see under "Media Locker" where the landing spot is for everything that is auto-uploaded. Be sure to put the important stuff in a folder on your site as the hi-res stuff goes away after 30 days. (Who can blame 'em -- that takes up a lot of server space!)

Under "Shared Items" you'll find everything on your site. This is like the dashboard for all your content. I used it to delete a lot of my old imports that didn't make it over in once piece. Granted, I couldn't do all of them at once but I did them in three or four batches and it wiped it up nicely. You can also manage tags and access, which is really handy. For example...

If you get hit up by a serial stalker who keeps making new ID's once you block 'em, you can quickly change everything to Contacts-Only using MediaLocker. Or, if you block someone, they can still see things set to "Everyone" if they sign out. You can change all your stuff to "Network" more quickly using this tool.

Multiply Premium
is twenty bucks a year and it gives you unlimited storage on your site (including hi-res stuff), as well as 200 MB or 20 minute videos (double what's free now) and ad-free browsing when you go to sites and no ads when people come to your site.

They also have a neat video, but I couldn't get the HTML to include that here. So if you want to see that, read what they have to say, or give them some kudos, go here!

-Ze Baron

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