Friday, March 14, 2008


Some clever things... classic and new alike.

Inspired by Pascal's Pensées, a little old lady goes to the bank with a satchel filled with $100,000 in cash and asks to open an account. The cautious banker asks where she got the money.

"Gambling," she says. "I'm very good at gambling."

Intrigued, the banker asks, "What sorts of bets do you make?"

"Oh, all sorts," she says. "For example, I will bet you $25,000 right now that by noon tomorrow you will have a butterfly tattoo on your right buttock."

"Well, I would love to take that bet," says the banker, "but it wouldn't be right for me to take your money for such an absurd wager."

"Let me put it to you this way," says the woman. "If you don't bet me, I'll find another bank for my money."

"Now, now, dont be hasty," says the banker. "I'll take your bet."

The woman returns the next day at noon with her lawyer as a witness. The banker turns around, drops his pants, and invites the two to observe who has won the bet.

"Okay," says the woman, "but could you bend over a little just to make sure?"

The banker obliges and the woman concedes, counting out $25,000 cash from her satchel. The lawyer meanwhile is sitting with his head in his hands.

"What's wrong with him?" asks the banker.

"Aw, he's just a sore loser," she says. "I bet him $100,000 that by noon today, you'd moon us in your office."

-Ze Baron

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