Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Back in the days of 360, a lot of users didn't know how to get multiple pictures into their blogs. That was how little people knew of HTML. I didn't even know how to do it until I asked someone, who kindly explained it to me. After being asked quite a few times and walking people through it, I made a tutorial with pictures. And so there it started.

I've done that here, too, at Refugees. If you go to our main page, you'll see the tagged content boxes with "tutorials" and "tips" (among others.)

If there is anything that isn't there that you want to know, or if there's something that you think needs to be added, please leave a comment here or PM me. Also, if there are any tutorials there that you think need clarification, notify me.

Bear in mind that I don't know complex CSS. I can write one on how to hide your online status, but that's about the only CSS I understand. Those questions should be directed to Multiply Design.

I acquired some software that will aid my tutorial writing, but it's only a 30-day demo so I want to get it done within a month. Let's get hoppin'!

-Ze Baron

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