Friday, February 8, 2008


Yes, folks, they've done it again. Multiply has implemented more features. The beauty of it, however, is that they're listening to their users. They hear folks complaining and suggesting (but mostly complaining!) at MUDS about the system, the upgrades, things that could be better, and on and on. They've taken some ideas and run with them.

  • Online Buddies now carry more signifcance. Online buddies are now more of a seperate class, while still remaining on your contacts list. Items can be set to "Contacts" and "Contacts Except Online Buddies," along with the regular choices. Read more about that at the official blog's Feb. 5th post.
  • Photo slide shows, like those on other sites, especially photo-hosting sites, are now available. You can even embed a slideshow using your Multiply photo albums! No need for Photobucket now.
  • A new filter was recently installed called "I've Replied" which only displays threads to which you've replied. They added another option to custom filters, "only posts I've replied to." I'm not sure what significance these options have, seeing as the only posts you've replied to are old ones, but nonetheless, they're there.
  • BLOCK HTML IN GUESTBOOKS!!! Yes, yes, yes!! The option you've all been waiting for, the ability to shut off HTML in your guestbook. That means no more annoying blink codes, no more annoying marquee codes, and most of all, no more page-distorting graphics! Of course, for those of you who like sharing graphics, you don't have to shut off the HTML. To learn how to work this feature, click here for an in-house tutorial.
  • Social networking features have been expanded, making it easier to spread your content to your other pages on other social-networking sites.
  • Photo album navigation is now customizable. The colors are the ones used in your theme.
  • "Comment Deleted..." at the request of the author, among other such notes, have been removed from your guestbook when a comment is deleted by you or the author.
  • Contact imports have been expanded.
Well, that proves once and again that Multiply just rocks. Read the original post on the official blog by clicking here.

-Ze Baron

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