Thursday, April 24, 2008

Language Post Criteria

As a newly appointed admin, I'd like the membership to be involved in what this group should be in the future. I want us to work together to hammer out what the criteria should be for the language posts.

I've got the basics -- there will be three posts per language. The first is a brief history or 'about' of the countries it is predominantly spoken (Spanish -- Spain/Mexico, English -- US, UK, Austrailia, etc) and information about dialects, second, a vocabulary blog, and third, a mechanics and usage blog.

The first is fairly definite and I'm working on an example to show you. The second has been discussed a bit, and this is what we've got:

Numbers (0 through 20 plus multiples of 10 to 100)
Alphabet (If not Latin characters; If Latin characters, only anomalies like German eszett)
Phrases [To be determined]
Nouns (family, household items, daily encounters, professions)
Nouns (seasons, weather, months, days of week)
Conjugation of "is" verb (or equivalent.)
Verbs, 3rd Person Singular (dailiy encounters)
Adjective (pairs of postive and negative, like good/bad big/small)
Pronouns (first and third persons, or equivalents)

It's certainly open to revision. The third also needs work. What should, in general, be included? I want to provide minimal guidelines so that the multiple blog series will be uniform, but will still allow the individual authors some creative license in how to get across what information they need people to know.

Any thoughts on what I have outlined?

Ze Baron

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