Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well, Barack Obama is a typical liberal.

This is basically what he said:
Obama was describing how jobs had been disappearing in small towns in Pennsylvania and across the Midwest for 25 years with nothing to replace them. He then added: 'It's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them, or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiment, as a way to explain their frustrations.'
Well, I live in a smallish medium town of 15,000 people. Jobs have been disappearing. People are mad about that, sure, but we aren't bitter. Our town has adapted and developed into other industries after the traditional manufacturing jobs have started drying up.

Why, as it happens, I spent two hours shooting clay pigeons with my shotgun on Friday and tomorrow I'm going to mass. I've shot for a while now, I've always gone to church. The same with my father and grandfather. Is Obama proposing that areas that have a plethora of jobs are "past" religion and arms?

I don't take offense at his comment. He's allowed to make himself look like an ignorant ass. I'm terrified at the implications of his comment, though. He's shown his incompetence before (like justifying his friendship with Rev. Wright by throwing his white grandmother under the bus.) I am scared by how his mind operates. He says we cling to religion and guns. No, see, religion and guns are part of America. This isn't like how those crazy Mormons cling to polgamy. I read that comment as he thinks he's above or beyond religion and guns.

Now, I honestly think that Hillary will win Pennsylvania by a narrow-to-medium margin. There's no way she can sweep the state. I also think there is a very slim chance Obama will actually "take it" at all. Something that I've found... interesting: Those annoying yard signs.

I've never gotten one of those before for my yard. What's interesting, though, is that there is a huge proliferation of them, a huge amount that I've never seen before. People are genuinely interested in this election. I have faith in democracy! Why, it's the first time I'm proud of my country in my adult life! (*drips with sarcasm*)

Anyway, there's the unprecidented amount of those signs. The large majority are for Congress as our district's representative isn't running for reelection. There are some presidential ones. Guess, right now, which candidate has the majority of the signs in semi-rural conservative small-town PA?

Ha, fooled you! It's Ron Paul. It scares me to say that the most signs go to Paul. Ever see those huge signs for Paul in the dumpy pick ups? I think Obama captures the blacks, Hillary, the chicks, and Paul the folks who need new trucks.

Though... I'm proud to announce that I haven't seen a single Obama sign, but more to that later. Second place comes Hillary with an alarming number of signs. Disappointingly I haven't seen any McCain signs but I suspect that is because he has clinched the nomination and the GOP HQ hasn't set up yet. I doubt they (or the Dem's HQ) will until their respective conventions.

If you drive down my street, the house that is directly at the end (across the perpendicular road) has a Hillary sign. It's like a "T". Their house is right across from where the verticle part hits the horizontal part. I live on the verticle part.

I get angry every time I have to pull in my street by that sign. I have vowed to get a McCain sign for my front yard just as soon as they are available. I could call the campaign and have them send me one...!

Anyway, so yes... something that I notice that frankly scared me is that there is a "Obama For America" center downtown. They rented this tiny little commercial outfit. It's amusing, though. They don't even have any official signs or stickers in the windows. They're all hand-made! Kinda reminds me of this pic I saw online:

So, anyway, what with so many Hillary signs I think she's got everywhere but Philly, Johnstown, and Pittsburgh locked up. I'm actually really excited about this because it will give her more of a fighting chance, hopefully dragging the fight to June if not the convention!

Anyway, I think this is the best thing that could happen to the GOP. In 2006 the GOP lost a majority in Congress... politicos were calling for a trouncing in 2008... Hillary emerges as a front runner... Obama fights her... McCain, a right-leaning centrist with liberal tendencies (admittedly not the ideal conservative candidate) clinches the nomination... Hill and Obama scraping for candidates late into the game... PA will prolong the fight... the Dems divide... the angry voters head to the semi-lib McCain... happy GOP POTUS!

-Ze Baron

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