Saturday, April 19, 2008

OFFICIAL BLOG -- "Fortune Cookie Chronicles"

From the Official Multiply Blog

I've fallen a bit behind on this, but Multiply has made a few blog posts on the official blog, the latest of which is about a woman -- Jennifer 8. Lee -- who wrote a book called The Fortune Cookie Chronicles: A Book Adventure through the Mysteries of Chinese Food.... and started a group on Multiply about it. Now, what she did is all fine and dandy... and Multiply is probably happy to get this sort of attention from a NY Times reporter... but the point is, why?

This chick has four photo albums, a quick welcome message, and her guestbook. She has a headshot and the default theme. The group has very few members. It's basically a free domain for her to promote her book at. I doubt she'll be spending much time there, and when the book falls off the charts into book oblivion, the group (and undoubtedly her page) will become defunct.

I guess I don't see why this is worthy of being in the official blog. It's basically free advertising for her. If she'd been a longtime user who got published, then it might be a different story. Unfortunately, it's not.

Ze Baron

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