Thursday, April 17, 2008


Y!360 Refugees is six months old on the dime. I didn't even realize it until I was writing a post at another group.

I set up my Multiply page on October 16, 2007. I set up Y!360 Refugees on October 17, 2007. Here we are now, exactly six months later, with over 1,900 members in the group. At current count, right now, at 6:51 PM EST, we need 76 more members to hit 2,000. It would really finish off my already remarkable day.

In case you haven't visited our homepage in quite some time, I've partially rewritten our Welcome Message and added a group badge that you also can add to your page. The gem of the collection is the tagged content boxes that I set up a few weeks back. They are organized by "Basic Tutorials," "Tips," "Group Information," and "Multiply Info." The way it works is that when I post blogs, I set the tags to that they to to whichever module is appropriate. "Basic Tutorials" is for things that are a need-to-know for someone who's just starting out at Multiply or even someone who has been here a while. "Tips" are things that are nice to know that make your experience here better. Both of these modules typically include explicit instructions, screenshots, or videos eloquently illustrate how something can be done. "Group Information" includes things that you need to know about this group, or things that concern us as former Yahooers. "Multiply Info" contains up-to-date information, sort of like a current events headquarters. This includes briefings on posts at the official blog, as well as things that concern me and you as members of the Multiply community.

As a sort of celebration, I think that any members that feel so inclined should post a review here at the group. I'm sure many of you have ideas that are already bubbling in your heads, however, if you don't... write a review about what you think of Multiply. What's the best part? What makes it better than 360? Write a review about this group. What's the best part? What changes do you like? If the group has a fuller reviews section, we can show our group pride.

Secondly, I want you guys to do me a favor. We have 1924 members as of right now. I invited about two dozen acquantences from another group I admin to join here, which gave me an idea. To top 2,000 members, I'd like to see each person who reads this invite at least one person into the group. (I can hear you groan behind your computer screens.)

It's really not that hard, though. I assumed that all my contacts were in the group -- it turns out, I found at least three that were not. All you have to do is go through your list of people you know who came from 360 until you find one person who is not in the group. Copy their username under their headshot. Then come back to YRefs, and on the right under our headshot you'll see "Invite Members." Click there (or here.) Paste their name (or a few names, seperated line by line.) Then you can edit the invite at the bottom however you please. My suggestion is to include a personal message at the top, then leave the "Group Description" so they know what we're about. Please note that new content is only viewable by group members.

If we could break 2,000 members by tonight, or even over the weekend, it would make me happy plus provide an infusion of fresh faces into our community. Bear in mind that members don't have to be from 360. I boast about our help files as I think they're some of the best in the cyber-land. Non-360'ers can appreciate that too!

Anyway, today's been a big day. I wish this group another healthy six months!

Ze Baron

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