Wednesday, April 9, 2008


This is your brain.
If you look carefully, you can see me on the left.
I'm often there while not at work.

This is my brain.

I think that captures it much more eloquently than the fried sheep brains that I was thinking about using. Now don't get me wrong... my problem is that I have the hardest time starting something, such as, ehh, a blog or a project until the very last minute. The thing is, I do much better work when under pressure than if I have a long time to do it. 99% of the blogs I write are just me typing as it flows from my head with absolutely no proofreading or drafting or anything like that. I spellcheck as I type because I have a spellchecker installed on Firefox but I don't often pay attention because I actually can spell...

And now I'll bore you with some introspection.

My mind is sort of running at full power even when I don't need it or don't want to be. Trying to sleep? Try to get started on something? Trying to play tennis? It's nuts. I really admire my mind (I talk of it like a 3rd party, thank you) because once I'm focused on something like writing a blog, doing something at work, reading a book, or anything that requires attention I do it much better than most people can. I don't mean to brag... I just balanced with a weakness, so there.

Online a lot of people have remarked that I have a dry sense of humor. I find it odd that people can even pick this up online when the only form of expression is words and we basically have to take them at face value since there's no body language or tone associated except for what's conveyed in the text. In real life, though, I find that I guess I sort of have a funny effect on people. I like to think I'm a serious person, and often I am, but I guess the dryness has a sort of effect on people. That's why I included "Dry as a martini" on the Welcome Section of my page.

I guess I see that as a place that newcomers to my page first see, aside from the site title, so that needs to convey "me." I threw in a few quotes that I like, at least until another comes along, plus some words that I've come across that I sort of liked and think, perhaps naïvely, that seem to describe me. I didn't know a lot of those words until I looked them up and thought, neat! I hate uptight English rules but I love words. I dislike grammar but the best way to irk me is to make dumb spelling or grammar mistakes like switching "to" and "too" or "Send me reply's"... even awkward use of commas.

I get teased for having OCD. Now I'm not a paranoid basket case but I think I have slight OCD... which I'll call perfectionism. That might be why I can do things so well. I don't settle for less which often drives other people mad that I keep redoing things. Back to the OCD... I have five books I'm reading right now, four of which are on my nightstand and one of which I carry with me (and it's heavy at 973 pages...) The four books on my stand are stacked from largest to smallest according to cover size. All the novels on my bookcase are stacked upright according to height with the hardcovers grouped separately. Thankfully my DVD collection is not alphabetized... the good ones are in the front and the bad ones are in the back.

A while back I said that I thought I was serious. In most matters I am serious, but if you read my blog religiously (which likely totals to no one since a remarkable chunk of my list doesn't even come around to leave an insincere comment on my front page that they've left on all their other friends' pages) you'll remember I took up tennis. I'll be Frank and you'll be Nancy. I am not good at tennis. A lot of people are better than me, but I guess you start out at the bottom. I'm gradually improving and am proud to announce I lost my last match 4-8 which made me very happy. Anyway, when the other people I play with lose, they get mad and gloomy, but when I lost that game, I was probably the happiest person there. That was a major improvement for me and that made me happy when any self-respecting tennis player wouldn't show his face on a court for two weeks with that game.

This is probably going to be my longest blog ever because I'm just frothing at the mouth. If you've gotten here, go get a drink. I doubt most people will even read this far and then they'll make a dumb comment about the pictures at the top and nothing else.

I watched the movie "The Last Holiday" a few days ago because an acquaintance was going to watch it and I had nothing much better to do. First, Queen Latifah's calling is not as an actress. Maybe that's why she's on those diet commercials now... Anyway, it's about this woman who works minimum wage, takes a lot of crap, then gets diagnosed with a tumor and she'll die in three weeks. She tells of her boss, quits her job, liquidates her savings, and goes on a vacation to Europe where she goes BASE jumping and spends all her money. A Senator, Congressman, and business exec (the CEO of the company she quit) are there and they assume she's someone powerful. Anyway, that's all irrelevant. The point I got from the movie was that she didn't worry so much about stepping on people's toes because she didn't have to worry about what they thought of her after three weeks.

She wasn't rude, though. And in case you were wondering, her doctor got a used MRI machine that led to a false diagnosis. So that's what I'm thinking about as I write this blog. Twice there I called out these people I see on these sites who are doing it for superficial reasons. I've always wanted to tell them off but it's not really nice to do that to they're faces because they'll sic their superficial friends on you. Since most of these people either won't think it's them or won't bother to read my blogs let alone long ones, I'm confidant. Plus, I'll handle the fallout should there be any.

Another thing that amuses me is when people send me PMs asking if I have a problem with them and that's why I'm ignoring them. The answer is no. I think these people don't know me very well. If I have a problem with someone, I will make it clear by sending them a PM kindly outlining my grievances. If I remove someone without PMing them it's because they didn't care enough to come by my page at all during our friendship so why should I waste five seconds of my life sending them a PM explaining it?

I don't have as much time as I used to. This time of year is always busy for me. It gets better from this point out. I still have time to check PMs, read comments, and check out interesting blogs. Thing is, like I said above, I have problems starting things. Tonight I have absolutely nothing to do so after spending an hour writing this blog, I think I'll take a nap and then watch Fox or Glenn Beck. I watch the news for fun.

I often have enough time to write blogs even during this busy time, the thing is that I usually have to take a while to psych up for starting. Once I start a blog, though, it's easy... I just don't often have the time to start it. I started this one with the intention of posting two pictures and four sentences tops. Ha, well, look where that's got us.

I bet that most of the people who started this haven't gotten to here. These are the blogs that, when I'm reading, either bore me or intrigue me. I don't blame the people who didn't finish it but I think it's in poor form to only comment about the first two paragraphs. Then it makes you look ignorant. I've done it before.

I mixed up my page theme and now I'm using an ad for the '70 Camaro. I bet you, dear reader, that someone is going to make a comment on my front page about where Marilyn went since my last fiftyzillion themes were of Marilyn. And then you and I can laugh at them because we'll both know they didn't read this blog and are just trying to make superficial conversation.

Some people are going to be shocked by my ridiculing of these people. See, this is the type of blog written by a jaded baron. That link there defines jaded as "made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience." That's right: Life has made me cynical and blogging has reaffirmed it. I'd by no means call myself bitter, no, no, but rather jaded. In fact, I'll add "jaded" to my word bank in my welcome message right before "misanthropic" which is just a fancy word for cynical.

This sort of reminds me of "A Different Kind of Love Song" by Cher... opening lines: "
What if the world was crazy and I was sane/ Would it be so strange"

Would it?

Ze Baron

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