Monday, January 7, 2008


Well, it's after the Iowa caucus and shortly before the New Hampshire caucus, and things couldn't be more hectic. First off, no offense meant towards any New Hampshirians or Iowans on my list, but your states suck. Iowa and New Hampshire aren't representatives of 'common America.' Neither is California, Oregon, South Carolina, Conneticut, and a lot of other states that are important or that you'd think would be important. It's immature and straight childish the way the states are jockeying to be first in line. My only propostion for resolving this would be for everyone to host them on the same day. Or, it could be done according to their admittance to the Union. Or it could be done according to the day (not date) that they were granted statehood.

On to polls. I read some poll today done in NH about the canidates. Obama "rocketed" past Hillary and McCain was showing a promising lead. Obama had a 10 point lead on Ms. Clinton. Then I read the bottom... I think it was about 850 people surveyed. 850 people to represent a population of about 1,200,000? That just doesn't seem right. Of course, it's much more accurate than national polls. They survey, what, 1,000 people in a nation of 300,000,000 to gague public opinion? How can that even be accurate?

Polls don't matter.

This just in! Hillary Repackages Herself as a Black Man!

Read all about it!

I just downloaded this neat-o add-on for Firefox, so here are some clipped excerpts:

clipped from

According to Clinton strategist Mark Penn, however, Clinton's decision to become an African-American man was thoroughly consistent with her history as a "change agent."

Elsewhere, embattled GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney unveiled a new campaign slogan, "What the Huck?!"

blog it
So, with that, ladies and gents, I leave you with an inconsiquential poll.

-Ze Baron

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