Saturday, January 26, 2008


Well, the numbers are in. South Carolina choose Obama in the Democratic primaries. But who would have guessed otherwise?

It's his race, stupid!
You see, I really don't think it was much of a primary. They forecasted that 52% of the turnout would be black. Obama won with 55% of the votes. I doubt that all of the black voters voted for him, but I'm sure more did than not.

He's black, you know!
I read articles and hear news stories about all sorts of pundits saying that they think that some white voters will vote against Obama because he's black. I'm sure that is going to happen. There'll be voters who vote against Hillary because she's a chick. There'll be voters who will vote against McCain because he's old and Romney because he's Mormon.

He's what?
He's black. As I mentioned before, 52% of the Democratic voters were black. Obama swept this state by a huge margin. Coincidence? Well, maybe, but take a look at things. The media was crucifying any racism or bigotry in the election as evil. They were denouncing the thought that race could play a major part in the primaries -- They wouldn't vote against Obama over his race!

Well, folks, race did play a part in the primary. White voters likely did vote against Obama over his race. Black voters like voted for him because of his race. I think that's bigotry.

Yes, folks, bigotry. A bigot is defined by Webster's as "a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices." Wouldn't a vote against the white man be bigotry? I think it would.

What does it mean?
It means that race does play a factor, both ways. I think it's terrible that they're voting for or against someone based on the color of their skin. I am not saying that can't play a factor. What if, for instance, Jesse Jackson had been elected in one of his Presidential bids in the '80s? You can bet he had nothing on his mind but race and making a statement when he did that. A black candidate might be prone to give more funding to groups for black kids than white kids?

But seriously, how many groups do you know of that grant scholarships or federal aid to strictly white kids? How about a NAACP, or "National Association for the Advancement of Caucasian People"? You'll never hear of it.

Race can play a factor. It just shouldn't be the solo factor when voting.

-Ze Baron

Read more on the SC primary here.
Read Webster's definition of "bigot."
Read more about Jesse Jackson.

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