Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Handy HTML Hints!

I've been messing around with HTML and I think it's pretty neat. No, I don't mean posting glittery graphics all over the place like a graffiti artist, but just to make commenting more efficent. For example, I can make text italics, bold, or underlined in a comment, because I learned some easy-to-remember HTML tips. Sometimes my blog formatting screws up but I just patch it together with some HTML and it looks good as new. I've even learned how to make a neat little button. Here's an example of that:

Isn't that just awesome?!? I probably sound like an idiot, being amazed at HTML, but it's really neat-o! I'm not going to go into details for tricky HTML, and I haven't even touched CSS, but I'll help you guys out. Realize this works best in comments since you already have the buttons in blogs, not to mention that you have click "Edit HTML" As you can guess, insert the text you are trying to change where it says "insert text here."

  • If you want to make something bold, then type "INSERT TEXT HERE"

  • If you want to make something italicized, then type "INSERT TEXT HERE"

  • If you want to make something underlined, then type "INSERT TEXT HERE"

Sometimes when I compose a blog or a message, a line will break into two and then the third line will run off and off to the left instead of staying in a fixed area. I edit the HTML and use the
link as a line break to resolve this.

I will cover the button in a later post if everyone can grasp basic HTML!

Now, two standard reminders:

  1. RESPECT the requests of page owners -- some people don't like pictures or any fancy HTML.
  2. PLEASE post questions in the "Q & A" section. Blogs are for announcement type information only!
-Ze Baron
Y!360 Refugees

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