Monday, November 19, 2007

Neat Stuff (and a contest!)

I installed two site trackers on Refugees over the weekend, but I've since removed one. The one that you see there is "Site Meter," used for tracking hits.

I was reviewing the information for our group. I wanted to share this neat little graphic. It illustrates where our last 100 visitors have been from. We've gone international! There's a few from England, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, South America, and Pakistan but most are from the East coast of America.

If you are encounter problems here on Multiply, like things that don't work, I'd suggest downloading Mozilla FireFox. I use it strictly for viewing Multiply. It works GREAT. For my other internet-viewing needs, I use Opera. My Internet Explorer (7) crashes a lot. *sigh*

If you are having problems with your Yahoo! Instant Messenger, remove it from your computer. There is a service called Web Messenger available. It's your IM service, except in your internet browser! The URL is You don't even have to download anything.

For Thanksgiving, I've come up with a contest that we're going to hold here. We initially started out here with the picture of the sinking ship, with Y!360's logo and an arrow to the ship. I photoshopped that picture, and it worked great, but as our needs changed, we needed a new logo. We had to get off the Yahoo! bashing and morph into a support group, a community group of sorts. A center for the transplanted community of ex-360'ers. I looked through my (extensive) pictures from the internet, and came upon this one. I think it's neat looking, but it doesn't necessary pertain to our group that well.

The contest is to either find a picture on the internet, take a picture, or photoshop a picture that will work for our group. The contest is starting now, and will end six days from today, November 18th, 2007. The ending time for submissions is 12:00 AM, EST. And yes, I'll be up until then! All submissions must be emailed to my email address, I will upload them the album titled "Y!360 REFUGEES HEADSHOT CONTEST" [link] upon receipt, or as fast as I can. All photos will be uploaded within 15 minutes of the ending time.

The rules are as follows. The logo cannot...
  • ...bear Y!360's logo.
  • ...bear Yahoo!'s logo.
  • ...bear Multiply's logo.
  • ...bear any advertisements, etc.
  • any overtly copyrighted material.
  • obscene.
The logo must...
  • received by the specified time to my email address with your Multiply username as the subject line.
  • ...follow Multiply's uploading rules.
  • semi-group related.
  • submitted by a group member.
Please realize that all submissions are at the discretion of the admin.

Judging and selection for the logo will take place the week after the deadline for submission. A blog will be uploaded featuring a poll and either the pictures or a link to the albums. The logo will be chosen by the people! Encourage your fellow members to vote for yours, and get your friends who aren't here to join up and vote for you.

The logo will remain our group's official headshot for two weeks, at the minimum.

Currently, the album features Multiply's official logo. This logo is not going to be in the contest. The reason that photo is in there is because I could not upload a blank album. The current logo is also up for voting, so if you don't like any you see, you can refrain from voting or choose the current logo.

Thank you all for being wonderful. Keep it up.

-Ze Baron

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