Thursday, December 27, 2007


I was in shock when I came home and saw that she had been assasinated. I've been following the whole Pakistani debacle with a mild interest, and now this. Well, a reflection:

I was discussing a few months back about the whole religion thing with one of my atheistic friends. They made some comments about how the worst thing the Romans did was exicute Jesus. They continued that if the Romans had simply chased Jesus and his buddies off into the hills where they'd die, the whole thing could have been done and over with. Well, I contested that, but it's beside the point.

Martin Luther King, Jr, was also killed.

Where does this come together?

Yes, it's a terrible day for Pakistan, the War on Terror, and the world as a whole. Musharraf alleges that he's pro-democracy, but he's exhibiting behaviors similar to those of our "democratic" friend Vlad Putin in USSR, *cough cough*, I mean Russia. So who's our friend, Musharraf, or the followers now-deceased Bhutto gang? That's a question we need to look long and hard at.

As much as I might like the Bhutto clan, I fear a coup... especially a bloody coup. Pakistan is in the nuclear club. Now, from my assumptions (yes, ass, you and me, I know...), Pakistan doesn't have the capabilities to make all sorts of nukes. Pakistan broke away from India,a nuclear power, so I presume they got some intel and some nukes. Of course, I could be totally wrong. That, plus even one nuke is dangerous in a deposition that could go any which way.

So, of course, now the anti-Musharraf movement doesn't have a face, a reputable face like Bhutto's. A face to rally around. A face to slap on posters.

Or don't they?

This brings me full circle, really. I believe that, as "Religion of Peace" tragic an event her assassination is/was, it could

wind up being a good thing for the movement. A martyr makes the cause "worthwhile," for lack of better word. Her death could be the best thing for the cause yet.

If Musharraf had a hand in it, then we'll never know what exactly went down, since his government is in charge of the investigation. I personally suspect that it was a psycho-supporter who took matters into his own hands, either with prodding from a higher-up on simply on his own accord. I doubt we'll see any major things come out of the investigation, though.

Presuming Musharraf did have a hand in it, this could be the worst thing he could have done. I think keeping her quiet, by whatever means (house arrest?), may have been his best move. Look what happened to Jesus. Look what happened to the Roman empire.

-Ze Baron

(I suggest looking at the Al Jazeera links and the second CNN one.)


Yahoo! News:
Bhutto target of many militant groups
Slain Bhutto's supporters take anger to the streets

FOX News:
U.S. Scrambles to Deal With Bhutto's Death, Repercussions on Efforts in Pakistan
Bhutto Killed in Homicide Attack
(Photos) Warning: Graphic Images

CNN News:
Bhutto photographer: 'Gunshots rang out and she went down' (Video)
Officials: Al Qaeda claims responsibility for Bhutto killing

BBC News:
Benazir Bhutto killed in attack
Tense Pakistan set to bury Bhutto

Al Jazeera News:
Global outrage over assassination
Bhutto killed in suicide attack

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