Sunday, December 16, 2007

Helpful Links and Groups

You're a member of Refugees, and that's an great thing. There's content and media here that the other groups can't touch. Our member base has both quality and quanity. Of course, you ought to also spread your roots a bit, get to know people, and experience the Multiply world. That doesn't mean you have to leave Refugees, on the contrary, you can stay here and contribute while keeping up to date with these equally important groups. The links are in the headings.

Multiply Terms of Service (ToS)

The Multiply Terms of Service, ToS, are the rules and legalise that govern Multiply. Overtly breaking these can get your account deleted, without warning.

Multiply Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you have got a question about Multiply, check here. It's very easily laid out and there is a plethora of information at your fingertips.

Multiply User Support Group

This group is an "official" Multiply group. After searching Refugees and checking the Multiply FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) you can come to User Support Group (USG).

How to use USG:
They have very extensive archives of questions, so click on any of the topics in the brown table at the top. If you don't find anything there, or you can't find a related tag, look below the table. There is a Google search box there, with two radio buttons. Make sure that the one for User Support is colored in, and then search in that box. You should find an answer to your question. Only after carefully checking for an answer by the methods I mentioned should you ask a question, since 95% of the time the question has been asked and answered. I hang out a lot at USG because there's lots of things to learn there.

Modify Your Multiply Layout

For those of you interested in customizing your page, either by building your own theme or implimenting one from someone else, this group can help you out. This group deals with the way that your page is set up, so if you have any problems with your theme or changing your page, ask them here.

How to use Modify:
To be clear, Modify is not a group to get new themes. It is a support group for themes and page customizations. If you have questions about your theme or CSS, post them here as opposed to at USG. Modify is a specially designed group for page customizations.

Multiply Customized Themes

If it's themes you want, it's themes you'll get. Multiply Customized Themes has over 80,000 members, so I would probably think it's the largest group on Multiply. I don't used Customized Themes (not yet, anyway) so I haven't spent too much time over at CT, but I can clearly see that there are themes of every size, color, and shape there.

How to use CT:
At the top, there is a bank of links there. I suggest you start there before just browsing themes. There are a lot of how-tos, there is a link on how to impliment your chosen theme, but first and foremost are the rules and the welcome message. Of course, read those first. They stress that this is a place only to share themes, not to request themes or to get help. Again, to get help, check out Modify.

The Official Multiply Blog

Remember on 360 how the 360 Team only wrote on their blog once every month or two? And on top of that, usually it was unimportant drivel about how you got your user ID or something, almost never about the product. Here, they are active. I suggets you keep up-to-tabs on the Multiply Blog. Usually there's lots of important stuff there, like warnings for scheduled maintainence, the unveiling of new products, and right now, give aways! As I blogged previously here (FREE STUFF), the Multiply Staff is giving away free webcams. Unfortunately, you can't add them as a friend, so put them in your bookmarks.

Other notable groups:

Administering Multiply Groups

If you are an admin of any group, I suggest you check this group out. There's lots of group-related info here.

Computer Help Desk

Got computer problems? Ask a question here at Computer Help Desk. This group also has extensive information, notably in the blogs section. I recommend you join this group.

How to use Computer Help Desk:
Be sure to post all questions in the notes section in this group. There is also a Google search box in this group, so search there for any questions you may have.

Multiply Newbie

This group, by far, has the most expansive help for a new user. If, after searching Refugees you don't find an answer, check out this group.

How to use Multiply Newbie:
In Multiply Newbie, just like most other groups, be sure to post in the notes with any questions you may have. First, check out the blog section, though. And if you've got a question, this group also has a handy Google search.

Customer Service

If, after all your searches through these wonderful groups, you don't have an answer, contact Customer Service. This is also how to report abuse, if need be. When reporting something, document it all and send what you can to Customer Service. Be sure to include URLs and explain the situation so they can draw good conclusions. There should be almost no reason to contact CS for help, unless someone in one of the above groups tells you that you need to contact CS.

Well, I think that's an important piece. Again, if some of your Y!360 friends are here at Multiply, encourage them to join our group.

I'm very excited by this post as I wrote all the links with some HTML I learned. If you hover over them, they should display a small box, and when you click, it should open new windows so you can read the rest of the entry.

-Ze Baron
Group Admin

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